Postcards from Silvia About Us Image

Hi, I’m Silvia – an Aussie transplant living in sunny Southern California. Having lived in three countries and visited more than a dozen, I find myself on an endless journey of learning and exploration.

Ever since I could remember, I’ve been captivated by tales of foreign lands, colourful traditions and different ways of living. We all exist under the same blue sky, yet every corner of the world offers something so unique and fascinating.

Canyons formed millions of years ago, ancient ruins shrouded in jungle overgrowth and rituals passed down from generation to generation. These are all reminders of the passage of time and those who have lived before us. Travel connects us all – and for that I’m grateful.

If you’ve stumbled here from the tangles of the internet, welcome. Help yourself to travel stories, millennial musings and sprinkles of humour. I hope my words provide respite and transport you to a different place, even for a brief moment.

Feel free to subscribe below or keep up with my adventures on Instagram and Facebook.

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